Car Lockout Assistance in Morden, MB
We understand that getting locked out of your vehicle can be extremely frustrating and time-consuming. When this happens to you, we advise you not to tamper with your vehicle because this can cause damage, such as scratches on your door panels. We recommend you to call us at Midnite Towing instead. Our team is available round the clock, so you never have to worry about being stranded on the highway in the middle of the night. When you call us on our emergency hotline, we will reach your location quickly and unlock your vehicle.
Our team has several years of experience in unlocking vehicles without causing them damage using techniques such as:
Air bladder unlocking
Lock Picking
Retrieving your keys
And more

Contact Us
Does your vehicle refuse to open? Did you lock your keys inside your car? Get in touch with our team, and we will arrive to help no matter what time of the day it is.
We also provide other services such as: